Release Day - THE TAKING by Terra Harmony

Title: The Taking
Series: The Painted Maidens #3
Author: Terra Harmony
Publication Date: February 27th 2015
Publisher: Patchwork Press
Genres: YA Fantasy/Paranormal
Read this if you like: Twilight, Of Poseidon
Eighteen-year-old Serena now reigns as queen of both the Undine of The Deep and the wolves of The Dry. The alliance between her maidens and the werewolves is shaky when all at once the basic necessities of food and shelter are taken away and both their worlds fall apart. 
After decades of war, the two societies must work together if they want to survive what lies ahead. A promised land is theirs for the taking, but first, they must survive each other.


Congratulations to Terra on the release of the final book in her Painted Maidens trilogy! If you like romance, adventure, and action then you'll love Terra's trilogy - not to mention the beautiful constructed world of The Undine and The Dry. Werewolves and mermaids unite in this exciting conclusion!

If you haven't started the Painted Maidens series, begin with Book #1 - THE RISING. All books are available on AmazoniTunesKobo, or Smashwords. 

Terra is author of the Akasha Series, a set of four contemporary eco-fantasy novels. ‘Water’, ‘Air’ and ‘Fire’ are available as e-books, and ‘Earth’ is due to release in spring 2013.
Terra also has a vampire short story anthology published as an e-book called ‘The Kindred Curse Anthology’.
Terra was born and raised in Colorado but has since lived in California, Texas, Utah, North Carolina and Virginia. Terra has served a 5½ year enlistment in the Marine Corp, has earned her bachelor’s and master’s degree and presently runs the language services division of a small business. 
Terra currently lives in a suburb of Washington, DC with her husband of 13 years and three children.
