The One Lovely Blog Award

Well howdy! I was nominated for the ONE LOVELY BLOG AWARD, by SJ Bouquet (not Bucket) over at A Tree Grows In Bookland!

This is my first nomination for this and I think it's a really sweet idea. So thank you for thinking of me and my blog SJ! You guys should check SJ out if you haven't already. If she hadn't nominated me, I'd be doing the same for A Tree Grows In Bookland because it's ones of my faves.

Here's the rules:

1. Thank the person who nominated you. Thanks again!
2. List rules and display the award.
3. Give seven facts.
4. Nominate 15 other bloggers and notify them.
5. Follow the blogger who nominated you.

Without further ado, here's seven random facts about me:

1. My first crush was legitimately Basil the Great Mouse Detective.

2. For the longest time, my life's ambition was to be a Captain in Star Fleet. Still holding out hope that Star Fleet becomes a thing and they let me in with asthma.

3. I have never broken a bone *waits for universe to come for me*

4. I now coblog with Dana who is my Transatlantic twin. We shared a dragon egg and we're basically an unstoppable super power.

5. I am allergic to dairy but my favourite food is pizza. There is no justice in this world.

6. My favourite animals are wolves, owls and foxes :3
7. I cannot stand to be serenaded. It genuinely makes me feel very uncomfortable. I didn't like it anyway but the condition was aggravated by an ex boyfriend and a scary rendition of Can't Take My Eyes Off Of You.

And now to nominate some fellow bloggers!

Ivey (aka The Queen) @ The Hopeless Reader

So, what do you think of my seven random facts? These kind of posts take me forever!
