Title: One Chance Night
Author: Eliza Boyd
Series: Make A Change #1
Format: ebook
Pages: 188
Genre: NA, Contemporary, Romance
Publisher: Patchwork Press
Publication Date: 15th May 2015


On the surface, Chelsea Greer has it all:
A loving husband. 
A nice house.
A good job.

In reality, she works hard to maintain the illusion that is her life. She's also missing the most important thing:


One night could change her life. One night could give her the strength to rediscover what's important. In one night, she could find love when she most needs it and least expects it. 

All Chelsea has to do is follow her heart after One Chance Night.

I was hugely privileged to receive a copy of this via NetGalley and although I haven't finished it, I'm really enjoying this new adult book. Boyd gives us a romance that's a little different; if you're expecting a book about adultery, look elsewhere. The prevailing theme is self-love and not settling for a half-life. I believe these are themes we can all relate to whether we're in the same situation as Chelsea, the main character, or not. Boyd's writing is fluid and fun so that's a nice treat too!


Describe your writing routine (if you have one)

I wish I had one. Haha! While writing OCN, I would write between 6:30 and 7:30 in the morning. I’d take my computer, a blanket, and a cup of tea outside while the sun came out and write about 1000-1500 words. By the time I moved on to book 2, it was too cold to sit outside that early, so I did sprints at the end of the day. Each book seems to bring its own routine.

What do you use for inspiration? (Pinterest, music, long walks etc)

Music! For sure, music. I can hear a song and book idea will pop into my head. Or sometimes it’s just a short story. But music is a big one for me. Car rides will do it too, but that’s usually when I’m listening to music.

How did you come up with the plot/ideas for One Chance Night?

The idea for OCN started with when Chelsea meets Jack (chapter 27) through the end. I saw that in my head when I heard a Brett Eldredge song (hence the name of Brett!) and wondered what had to happen to get Chelsea there. 

What was your favourite part to write (no spoilers if possible?)

Hmmm. Probably the scene I saw in my head (see question above) because that was the idea that sparked the whole thing. It might have been the hardest too because I really wanted to get it right! It’s definitely my favorite scene, and I really enjoyed writing it.

You're being sent out into space in a capsule. You have all the necessities - food, water, medical supplies etc - but you're allowed three non-essential items. What would they be and why?

  • My laptop so I can write! And take photos of my journey! And I’d load it up beforehand with the Kindle app and all the books I want to read because I have NO time to read for fun right now and I’d LOVE to catch up on all of the amazing books I’ve been missing out on! And I’d be able to listen to music! And audio books! Hopefully the charger doesn’t count as an addition item and I’d have a place to charge it… Haha!
  • A blender so I can make smoothies with the food I was able to bring. LOL! I’m a green smoothie junkie, so that would definitely be necessary to bring.
  • How about some Duct Tape? I could probably use that for something, right? Haha!

If you could have a second chance at something, would you? Or do you live by a no regrets type philosophy?

I definitely live more by “no regrets.” I didn’t always, but I am where I am for a reason, and I enjoy my life because I live that way. That being said, I’d love a second chance with my dog, Max. He passed away a year and a half ago, and I live with a lot of what-ifs regarding that.

One Chance Night is #1 in the 'Make A Change' series - what can we expect to follow? 

Book 2 will follow Ian’s sister. At the end of OCN, you find out why, so I won’t spoil that. J And Book 3 is about a character you will meet in Book 2, so I can’t say more than that either. Haha! But they each follow a different women who’s connected to the characters in book 1 in one way or another, so you’ll see the same characters throughout. Each book wraps up the woman’s story, but there *might* be a bit of a cliffhanger at the end of book 2…

A huge thanks to Eliza for answering my questions! :) In the comments below, tell me what you would like to change if you had 'one chance'!


Eliza Boyd is a contemporary women's fiction and romance author. Also an avid reader, she writes novels, short stories, poetry, and whatever else strikes her fancy. Born and raised in Northern Illinois, she now lives in sunny Arizona with her husband and her plethora of animals. When she's not reading, writing, or working, she can be found walking around her neighborhood (for exercise, not for stalking), taking photos of her pets, or binge watching her favorite shows. 

Feel free to contact her on any of her social media sites. She spends too much time on the Internet, so she'll probably get back to you right away.
