SADDLE UP! (Meet the Cast #1) - VENGEANCE ROAD by Erin Bowman
Title: Vengeance Road
Author: Erin Bowman
Publisher: HMH for Young Readers
Publication Date: September 1st 2015
Genre: YA, Western
When Kate Thompson’s father is killed by the notorious Rose Riders for a mysterious journal that reveals the secret location of a gold mine, the eighteen-year-old disguises herself as a boy and takes to the gritty plains looking for answers and justice. What she finds are devious strangers, dust storms, and a pair of brothers who refuse to quit riding in her shadow. But as Kate gets closer to the secrets about her family, she gets closer to the truth about herself and must decide if there's room for love in a heart so full of hate.
In the spirit of True Grit, the cutthroat days of the Wild West come to life for a new generation.
Howdy pardners! I was lucky enough to be selected to be in the street team to help promote and support Erin Bowman's fantastic new YA western Vengeance Road!
It's an amazing opportunity that already has its perks (such as getting an exclusive look at some of the early chapters of the novel - and HOLY HOTRODS I am in love) but most of all, I just love being able to share my excitement for an awesome addition to YA lit!
There was a lot of excitement across Twitter when the cover was revealed and you can see why - someone give that designer an award! The colour scheme, the typography, ornate pistols...just looking at it makes me want to start spittin' and wear cow hide pants.
But it's worth getting excited about the contents too. For one thing, I love the main character's voice; I'm a big fan of westerns (The Good, The Bad, The Ugly anyone?? Hella good!) and having a character whose inner thoughts are accented not only feels authentic, but it's a breath of fresh air - and a real nod to how good Erin actually is at writing, because it can't have been easy to pull off!
I'll be sharing lots of things from VR up until its release in September. If you want to keep up with what Erin is sharing from the novel before its release date you can follow her (@erin_bowman) or the posse (@VRPosse) on Twitter. There's a tumblr too!
And because it wouldn't be a blog from me if I didn't at least cover something Pinterest (seriously, will you marry me Pinterest? You complete me...), here's the GORGEOUS inspiration board Erin uses for the novel. LOOK AT ALL THE PRETTY WILD WEST THINGS ~~* o *~~
ANDDDDD because I know you'll all be as excited as I am, yesterday was start of the cast reveals! So without further ado...
Meet the Cast of Vengeance Road { 1 of 5 }
Disguised as a boy, Kate takes to the plains looking to avenge her father’s murder. When she discovers he was killed for a journal revealing the location of a gold mine, Kate presses on despite the warning that “gold makes monsters of men.”
Fun Fact from Erin: The first line of Vengeance Road came to me in the shower (it’s remained unchanged since then!) and it had a stilted, rough quality to it. It didn’t take me long to realize that this was Kate’s voice and that the story demanded to be told in her dialect. (For those wary of novels written in dialect, I’ve heard from a bunch of early readers who said it took only a few pages to get used to Kate’s narration. Fingers crossed you’ll be the same!)
Photo credits from left to right, top to bottom: Devyn Galindo / Raphael Mazzucco / still from The Professionals (1966) / unknown (I searched high and low and couldn’t find the original source for this but it is SO perfect I had to include it. If anyone knows the artist/source, please let me know) /Chad Copress / Antique Arms Inc / Rush Zimmerman
Stay tuned for more VRPosse announcements! :)
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